Blago Vjere

IP 2. Totus Tuus




Koncem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća vodila se oštra rasprava oko salonitanskih mučenika, prvenstveno mučenika svetoga Dujma. Don Frane Bulić bio je jedan od glavnih aktera u toj raspravi. U želji da na temelju pronađenih izvora dođe do povijesne istine on je u svojim radovima branio stajalište da je opat Martin u 7. stoljeću, po nalogu pape Ivan IV., iz Dalmacije i Istre u Rim prenio čitava tijela mučenika. Jedini način da se to dokaže bila bi rekognicija dalmatinskih i istarskih mučenika u oratoriju svetoga Venancija u Rimu. Don Frane je podupirao inicijativu kada je 1908. porečki i pulski biskup Giambattista Flapp, u dogovoru sa splitsko-makarskim biskupom Filipom Franom Nakićem, poslao molbu Kongregaciji obreda da se dopusti rekognicija. Tada je iz Kongregacije stigao negativan odgovor. Nakon svih polemika oko svetoga Dujma, don Frane je pred kraj svojega života još jednom vidio priliku u ponovnomu pokretanju pitanja rekognicije relikvija koje se čuvaju u Rimu i time razriješe dugogodišnje sumnje. Splitskom kaptolu i ordinarijatu 18. srpnja 1934. šalje svoje dopisivanje s tadašnjim porečkim i pulskim biskupom Trifunom Pederzolliem. Svega desetak dana nakon slanja ovoga dopisa don Frane Bulić umire. Njegova želja bit će ispunjena točno 28 godina kasnije kada je na molbu biskupa Frane Franića i biskupa Dragutina Nežića 18. srpnja 1962. obavljena rekognicija relikvija dalmatinskih i istarskih mučenika u oratoriju svetoga Venancija kod krstionice Lateranske bazilike.

Ključne riječi: sveti Dujam, Salona, Dalmacija, Istra, don Frane Bulić, oratorij svetog Venancija; Lateranska bazilika

O autoru

IVAN BALTA (Split, 1984.) nakon završene gimnazije godine 2004. upisuje dodiplomski filozofsko-teološki studij na Katoličkom bogoslovnom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Splitu. Na spomenutom fakultetu diplomira 2010. na temu Župa Svetog Duha u Tijarici od 1900. do 1940. te stječe akademski naziv diplomiranoga teologa. Uz preporuku splitsko-makarskoga nadbiskupa 2012. upisuje arhivistiku na Vatikanskoj školi paleografije, diplomatike i arhivistike pri Apostolskom vatikanskom arhivu. Položivši potrebite ispite postiže u toj školi diplomu iz arhivistike 2013. Prilikom boravka u Rimu pohađao je, kao gost student, na Fakultetu povijesti i crkvenih kulturnih dobara Papinskog sveučilišta Gregoriana odabrane kolegije stručno vezane uz arhivski rad. Nakon povratka iz Rima počeo je s radom u Nadbiskupskom arhivu u Splitu. Povremeno odlazi u Rim sređivati gradivo u Arhivu Papinskoga hrvatskog zavoda svetog Jeronima.





At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, there was a fierce debate about the Salonitan martyrs, primarily the martyr St. Dujam (Domnio). Rev. Frane Bulić was one of the main actors in that discussion. Wanting to reach the historical truth based on the sources found, he defended in his works the opinion that in the 7th century, on the order of Pope John IV, Abbot Martin transferred the entire bodies of martyrs from Dalmatia and Istria to Rome. The only way to prove this would be the recognition of the Dalmatian and Istrian martyrs in the Saint Venantius Oratory in Rome. Rev. Frane supported the initiative in 1908 when the Poreč and Pula bishop Giambattista Flapp, in agreement with the bishop of Split-Makarska, Filip Frane Nakić, sent a request to the Congregation of Rites to allow recognition. The Congregation replied negatively. After all the controversies surrounding St. Dujam, near the end of his life, Rev. Frane once again saw an opportunity to re-open the issue of recognition of relics kept in Rome and thus resolve the long-standing doubts. On July 18, 1934, he sent his correspondence with the then Poreč and Pula bishop Trifun Pederzolli to the Split Chapter and Ordinariate. Just ten days after sending this letter, Rev. Frane Bulić died. His wish will be fulfilled exactly 28 years later when, at the request of the bishops Frano Franić and Dragutin Nežić, on July 18, 1962, the relics of the Dalmatian and Istrian martyrs were recognized in the St. Venantius Oratory near the Lateran Basilica baptistery.

Key words: St. Dujam, Salona, Dalmatia, Istria, Rev.Frane Bulić, oratory of St. Venantius; Lateran Basilica

About the author

IVAN BALTA, (b. 1984, Split) After finishing high school in 2004, he enrolled in undergraduate philosophical and theological studies at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Split. He graduated from the Faculty in 2010, with the paper on The Parish of the Holy Spirit in Tijarica from 1900 to 1940, and obtained the academic title of graduate theologian. With the recommendation of the Archbishop of Split-Makarska, in 2012 he enrolled to the archival studies at the Vatican School of Paleography, Diplomacy and Archival Studies at the Apostolic Vatican Archives. Having passed the necessary exams, he obtained a diploma in archival science from this school in 2013. During his stay in Rome, he attended, as a guest student, at the Faculty of History and Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage of the Gregorian Pontifical University, selected courses professionally related to archival work. After returning from Rome, he immediately started working in the Archbishopric Archive in Split. From time to time he goes to Rome to organize material in the Archives of the Papal Croatian Institute of St. Jerome.