U uratku se govori o Europi kao osobitomu ozemlju na kartama svijeta. Prilog je napisan povodom ulaska Hrvatske u schengensku zonu (1. siječnja 2023.), kao i uz 25. obljetnicu pastoralnoga pohoda pape Ivana Pavla II. Solinu i Splitu (4. listopada 1998.). Uz neka posebna obilježja i razne krize kroz koje je prolazio ovaj stari kontinent, donosi se i kratka informacija o nekoliko dalekovidnih Europejaca koji su sanjali »ujedinjenu, a ne podijeljenu, pomirenu, a ne posvađanu Europu«. Narodi Europe, među kojima i Hrvati, nisu ovdje od jučer i nisu bez »osobne karte i osobne prtljage«. Prepoznatljivi su po »vlastitom imenu i povijesti« po čemu ih i drugi prepoznaju. A u odgovoru na pitanja »tko je i odakle dolazi«, čovjeku su pomagale brojne znanosti poput povijesti, filozofije, teologije, arheologije i antropologije. Slična pitanja postavljaju se i s obzirom na ovaj stari kontinent koji Europom zovemo. Gdje ona počinje i gdje završava? Može li se Europu »opisati i izreći samo riječima zemljopisa«, ili se u traženju odgovora treba poslužiti drugim pojmovima: kulturalnim, povijesnim, umjetničkim, vjerskim?! U odgovoru na ta pitanja mogu nam pomoći i neki »dalekovidni Europejci« koje nazivaju »ocima Europe«. U traženju odgovora zanimljivi su stavovi i razmišljanja nekih papa, među kojima posebice spisi Karola Wojtyle koji je dvaput sazvao i specijalnu sinodu o Europi.
Ključne riječi: Europa; povijest; filozofija; teologija; arheologija; antropologija; »oci Europe«; Ivan Pavao II.
O autoru
ŽELIMIR PULJIĆ (Kamena/Mostar (BiH), 1947.) Klasičnu gimnaziju pohađao je u Dubrovniku (1962. - 1966.), a teološki studij započeo je u Splitu (1966. - 1970.) i nastavio u Rimu na Papinskom sveučilištu Urbaniana gdje je zaređen za svećenika 24. ožujka 1974. Magisterij iz pastoralne teologije postigao je na Papinskom sveučilištu Lateran (1978.). Osim teologije završio je i fakultet Odgojnih znanosti na Salezijanskom sveučilištu i doktorirao iz psihologije (1980.). Na Katoličkoj bogosloviji u Sarajevu bio je odgojitelj i predavao je na Teologiji. Dubrovačkim biskupom imenovan je 1989. te nakon dvadeset godina služenja u dubrovačkoj biskupiji, 15. ožujka 2010., biva imenovan zadarskim nadbiskupom. Nakon umirovljenja 14. siječnja 2023. papa Franjo ga je 14. veljače imenovao apostolskim upraviteljem Splitsko-makarske nadbiskupije. Objavio je velik broj članaka i studija te uredio nekoliko knjiga.
The article discusses Europe as a special territory on the World maps. The article was written on the occasion of the Croatia entering the Schengen Zone (January 1, 2023), as well as the 25th anniversary of the pastoral visit of the Pope John Paul II to Solin and Split (October 4, 1998). In addition to some special features and various crises that this old continent went through, a brief information is also provided about some forward looking Europeans who dreamed of a «united, not divided, reconciled, not quarrelled Europe». The peoples of Europe, including the Croats, have not been here since yesterday and are not without «identity card and personal luggage». They are recognizable by their «own name and history», by which others recognize them. And in answering the questions «who he is and where he comes from», the man was helped by numerous sciences such as history, philosophy, theology, archaeology and anthropology. Similar questions are asked regarding this old continent that we call Europe. Where does it begin and where does it end? Can Europe be «described and expressed only in the terms of geography», or should other terms be used in the search for an answer: cultural, historical, artistic, religious?! In answering these questions, some «forward looking Europeans», called the «Fathers of Europe», can help us. In the search for answers, the attitudes and thoughts of some popes are interesting, among them especially the writings of Karol Wojtyła, who convened special synods on Europe twice.
Keywords: Europe; history; philosophy; theology; archaeology; anthropology; «Fathers of Europe»; John Paul II
About the author
ŽELIMIR PULJIĆ (b. 1947, Kamena/Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina) attended classical grammar school in Dubrovnik (1962-1966), and began his theological studies in Split (1966-1970) to continue them in Rome at the Urbaniana Pontifical University, where he was ordained a priest on March 24, 1974. He obtained a master's degree in pastoral theology at the Lateran Pontifical University (1978). In addition to theology, he also graduated from the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the Salesian University and received his doctorate in psychology (1980). He was a teacher at the Catholic Seminary in Sarajevo, teaching theology. He was appointed the bishop of Dubrovnik in 1989, and after twenty years of service in the diocese of Dubrovnik, on March 15, 2010, he was appointed the archbishop of Zadar. After his retirement on January 14, 2023, on February 14 the Pope Francis appointed him the Apostolic Administrator of the Split-Makarska Archdiocese. He published a large number of articles and studies, and edited several books.