Kršćanska vjera utemeljena je na utjelovljenoj Riječi. Stoga je promišljena, izgovorena, napisana i predočena riječ bila i jest bitni okvir iskustva kršćanske vjere. Karol Woytila se već od mladosti usmjerio toj Riječi, upućujući na nju kroz dramu i kazalište, kao glumac i autor drama Pred zlatarnicom, Forma drame i Brat našega Boga. Posebno mjesto u njegovu stvaralaštvu ima poezija, osobito dojmljiva na izvornom, poljskom jeziku. U radu se upućuje na Pjesmu o skrivenome Bogu, Pjesmu o sjaju vode, Misao je čudnim prostranstvom, Kamenolom i Rimski triptih. Analiziraju se i ostale pjesničke forme, posebno molitava koje je Ivan Pavao II. često uključivao u svoje papinske govore, homilije i važne dokumente. Na kraju se upućuje na hrvatsku recepciju Woytilina književnoga djela, a rad završava osvrtom na znamenito Pismo umjetnicima.
Ključne riječi: Karol Woytila (Ivan Pavao II.) književnik; pjesništvo i molitva; hrvatska recepcija književnoga djela K. Woytile
O autoru
ANTE MATELJAN (Košute/Trilj, 1959.), redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju pri Katedri dogmatskoga bogoslovlja Katoličkoga bogoslovnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu. Svećenik Splitsko-makarske nadbiskupije. Teologiju studirao u Splitu i Rimu (doktorirao na Papinskom sveučilištu Gregoriana 1991.). Kapelan u Sv. Marka u Makarskoj (1984. - 1986.); vicerektor Centralnoga bogoslovnog sjemeništa (1991. - 2004.); župni suradnik (Split/Mejaši, 2004. - 2019.); član Prvostolnoga kaptola (od 2012.); župnik katedralne župe (od 2020.); duhovnik HKLD Split (1997. - 2019.); član više vijeća i odbora HBK. Od 1991. na Teologiji u Splitu i Teološko-katehetskom institutu te na Katoličkom bogoslovnom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Splitu predaje kolegije iz dogmatske i ekumenske teologije, obnaša službu dekana i prodekana za nastavu te predaje na više specijalističkih i poslijediplomskih studija. Objavio je tridesetak knjiga (udžbenike, znanstvene radove, meditacije, umjetničke monografije, hodočasničke vodiče), a uz urednički rad i više od 60 znanstvenih i stručnih radova iz područja kristologije, sakramentologije, teološke antropologije i ekumenske teologije (među ostalim: Tražeći uporište (2000.); Otajstvo supatnje. Sakrament bolesničkog pomazanja (2002.); Otajstvo poslanja. Sakrament potvrde (2004.); Obdareni ljubavlju. Uvod u teologiju milosti (2006.); Mala knjiga o vjeri i zdravlju (2009.); Otajstvo susreta. Temeljna sakramentologija (2010.); O sakramentima (2017.); Svete tajne. Sakramenti u pravoslavlju (2020.)
The Christian faith is based on the incarnate Word. Therefore, the thought-out, spoken, written and presented word has been and is an essential framework for the experience of the Christian faith. Karol Wojtyła oriented himself to that Word from his youth, referring to it through drama and theatre, as an actor and author of the plays The Jewler's Shop, The Form of Drama and The Brother of our God. Poetry has a special place in his work, particularly impressive in his native, Polish language. The paper refers to The Song of the Hidden God, The Song of the Brightness of Water, Thought Is a Strange Expanse, Quarry and The Roman Triptych. Other poetic forms are also analyzed, especially the prayers that John Paul II often included in his papal speeches, homilies and important documents. At the end, reference is made to the Croatian reception of the Wojtyła's literary work, and the paper ends with a review of the famous Letter to Artists.
Keywords: Karol Wojtyła (John Paul II) writer; poetry and prayer; Croatian reception of Karol Wojtyła 's literary work
About the author
ANTE MATELJAN (b. 1959, Košute/Trilj), full professor in permanent position at the Department of Dogmatic Theology of the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Split. Priest of the Split-Makarska Archdiocese. Studied theology in Split and Rome (he received his doctorate at the Gregorian Pontifical University in 1991). Chaplain in St. Marko in Makarska (1984-1986); vice rector of the Central Theological Seminary (1991-2004); parish associate (Split/Mejaši, 2004-2019); member of the Cathedral Chapter (since 2012); parish priest of the cathedral parish (2020-); priest of the Croatian Catholic Physicians Society (HKLD) of Split (1997-2019); member of several councils and committees of the Croatian Episcopal Conference (HBK). Since 1991, he has been teaching courses in dogmatic and ecumenical theology at the Theology in Split, the Theological and Catechetical Institute, and the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Split, holding the positions of the dean and the vice-dean for teaching, and teaching at several specialist and postgraduate studies. He published about thirty books (textbooks, scientific works, meditations, artistic monographs, pilgrim guide-books) and, in addition to his editorial work, over 60 scientific and professional works in the fields of Christology, sacramentology, theological anthropology and ecumenical theology (among others: Searching for a stronghold (2000); Mystery of Suffering. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick (2002); Mystery of Mission. Sacrament of Confirmation (2004); Endowed with Love. Introduction to the Theology of Grace (2006); Little Book about Faith and Health (2009); The Mystery of Encounters, Fundamental Sacramentology (2010); On the Sacraments (2017); Holy Mysteries. Sacraments in Orthodoxy (2020) (cf. https://bib.irb. hr/lista-radova?autor=200915).