Papa Ivan Pavao II. bio je velik dar Božji za Crkvu, za čitav svijet, ali i za hrvatski narod. Papa Wojtyła bio je prvi papa u povijesti Katoličke Crkve koji se Hrvatima obraćao na njihovu materinskom jeziku. Tijekom svoga pontifikata Papa Ivan Pavao II. izrekao je na hrvatskomu jeziku brojne govore, pozdrave i poruke. Uz izrečene govore, koji čine većinu njegova obraćanja Hrvatima uključivši tu i njegovih pet posjeta Crkvi u Hrvata, Ivan Pavao II. upućivao je i pisane poruke za razne prigode i svečana slavlja. Osim toga Papa je i na drugim jezicima govorio o Hrvatima, pogotovo za vrijeme tragičnih zbivanja tijekom Domovinskoga rata (1991. - 1995.) Ti njegovi govori su dragocjeno svjedočanstvo o tome što su sve i papa Wojtyła osobno i Sveta Stolica učinili za zaustavljanje rata. Svi ovi govori objavljeni su 2011. u knjizi na 512 stranica pod naslovom Papa govori Hrvatima u izdanju Filozofsko-teološkoga instituta Družbe Isusove u Zagrebu. Govori su doneseni kronološkim redom kako su bili izrečeni, odnosno napisani od 1978. do 2005. Riječ je o dragocjenoj dokumentaciji zahvaljujući kojoj možemo pratiti dio povijesti hrvatskoga naroda i njegovih veza sa Svetom Stolicom na prijelazu iz drugoga u treće tisućljeće kršćanstva.
Ključne riječi: Papa Ivan Pavao II.; Hrvati; govori; pisane poruke; Domovinski rat; Sveta Stolica
O autoru
BOŽIDAR NAGY, (Bedekovčina, 1941.) Gimnazijsko obrazovanje završio je 1960. u Slavonskom Brodu, a 1961. ulazi u red Družbe Isusove u Zagrebu. Filozofiju i teologiju studirao je od 1966. do 1972. na Papinskom sveučilištu Gregoriana u Rimu. Za svećenika je zaređen 1971. Nakon službovanja u Zagrebu, doktorirao je u Rimu 1978. radnjom o bl. Ivanu Merzu i postao profesor na Filozofsko-teološkom institutu Družbe Isusove u Zagrebu. Od 1982. do 1988. urednik je Hrvatskoga programa Radio Vatikana u Rimu. U Parizu je obnašao dušobrižničku službu za Hrvate do 1993. kada se vratio u domovinu, u Osijek, gdje službuje kao profesor i dušobrižnik mladeži, a od 1998. predaje na Filozofskom fakultetu Družbe Isusove u Zagrebu. Godine 1972. imenovan je postulatorom u postupku kanonizacije bl. Ivana Merza. Boraveći na službi u Rimu pokrenuo je inicijativu za osnivanje Doma hrvatskih hodočasnika koji je utemeljen 1987. Objavio je petnaest knjiga i brojne članke.
Pope John Paul II was a great gift of God for the Church, for the whole world, but for the Croatian people as well. The Pope Wojtyła was the first pope in the history of the Catholic Church to address the Croats in their native language. During his pontificate, Pope John Paul II delivered numerous speeches, greetings and messages in the Croatian language. In addition to oral speeches, which make up the majority of his address to the Croats, including his five visits to the Church in Croatia, John Paul II also sent written messages for various occasions and festive celebrations. In addition, the Pope also spoke about the Croats in other languages, especially during the tragic events during the 1991-1995 Homeland War. These Pope's speeches make a valuable testimony of what both Pope Wojtyła personally and the Holy See did to stop the war. All these speeches were published in 2011 in a 512-page book entitled The Pope Speaks to the Croats, published by the Philosophical Theological Institute of the Society of Jesus in Zagreb. The speeches are presented in chronological order as they were delivered, or written, from 1978 to 2005. This is a valuable documentation thanks to which we can trace a part of the history of the Croatian people and their ties with the Holy See at the transition from the second to the third millennium of Christianity.
Keywords: Pope John Paul II; Croats; speeches; written messages; Homeland War; Holy See
About the author
BOŽIDAR NAGY, (b. 1941, Bedekovčina) completed high school education in 1960 in Slavonski Brod, and in 1961 joined the order of the Society of Jesus in Zagreb. He studied philosophy and theology from 1966 to 1972 at the Gregorian Pontifical University in Rome. He was ordained a priest in 1971. After serving in Zagreb, he received his doctorate in Rome in 1978 with a thesis on the Blessed Ivan Merz and became a professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Theology of the Society of Jesus in Zagreb. From 1982 to 1988, he was the editor of the Croatian program of the Radio Vatican in Rome. In Paris he served as a pastoral minister for Croats until 1993, when he returned to the homeland, to Osijek, where he serves as a professor and youth minister. Since 1998 he has been teaching at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Society of Jesus in Zagreb. In 1972, he was appointed postulator in the process of canonization of the Blessed Ivan Merz. While on duty in Rome, he initiated the establishment of the Croatian Pilgrims Home, which was founded in 1987. He published fifteen books and numerous articles.