Blago Vjere

IP 2. Totus Tuus




Filozofiju Ivana Pavla II. nemoguće je istrgnuti iz vremena i prostora u kojemu je živio i djelovao, stoga su kod njega vidljivi tragovi Maxa Schelera i njegove vizije ljudskoga bića kao i estetika duha Romana Ingardena. Cjelovito sagledana njegova se filozofska misao može definirati kao personalistička kršćanska fenomenologija koja teži razumijevanju čovjeka i njegova postojanja u svjetlu njegovih osobnih iskustava koja ga vode k Bogu. Iskustvo čovjeka, shvaćeno u univerzalnomu smislu, temelj je za shvaćanje odnosa između osobe i čina. Ovo je načelo u potpunosti uvjetovalo personalističku misao Karola Wojtyle i izvan filozofskih pitanja, u području morala pa i dogmatici. Čovjek je osoba zato što čini djela. Ona ga izražavaju i u potpunosti otkrivaju kao takvoga. Ovaj antropološki koncept postaje ontološki vodič za razumijevanje čovjeka, kojega Wojtyla povezuje s konceptom integriteta ljudske osobe kojega veže s pojmom ljudske transcendencije. Ono što čovjek doživljava izvan sebe, koliko god to bilo »izvanjsko«, ipak predstavlja našu vlastitu unutrašnjost koje unutarnje ja postaje svjesno. Stoga su ontologija i fenomenologija dva Wojtylina antropološka ključa za razumijevanje čovjeka i tako preko strukturalne veze »bića« i »fenomena« dolazimo do transcendentalne, metafizičke dimenzije čovjeka.

Ključne riječi: personalizam; osoba; čin; ontologija; fenomenologija; biće; iskustvo

O autoru

ANTE AKRAP (Bisko/Trilj, 1968.). Osnovnu školu završio u rodnome Bisku (1974. - 1978.) i u Dicmu (1978. - 1982.), a klasičnu gimnaziju u Sinju (1982. - 1986.). Filozofsko - teološki studij upisao na Franjevačkoj visokoj bogosloviji u Makarskoj (1987. - 1992.), a završnu godinu na Katoličkom bogoslovnom fakultetu u Zagrebu (1992. - 1993). Magisterij, a potom i doktorat završio u Rimu na Papinskom sveučilištu Antonianum gdje je 1999. obranio doktorsku tezu L incontro, la scoperta dell’essere in Martin Buber / Susret, otkrivanje bitka u Martina Bubera. Od 1999. do 2011. na Franjevačkoj klasičnoj gimnaziji u Sinju predaje Filozofiju i Logiku. Kao vanjski suradnik predaje od listopada 2008. na Katoličkom bogoslovnom fakultetu u Splitu. Godine 2011. izabran je u suradničko zvanje i na radno mjesto višega asistenta, a od studenoga 2016. u znanstveno-nastavno zvanje docenta pri Katedri filozofije. Trenutno obnaša službu prodekana za nastavu na KBF-u u Splitu.





The philosophy of John Paul II cannot be separated from the time and space in which he lived and worked, therefore in his work visible are traces of Max Scheler and his vision of the human being as well as the aesthetics of Roman Ingarden. Taken as a whole, his philosophical thought can be defined as a personalistic Christian phenomenology that strives to understand the man and his existence in the light of his personal experiences that lead him to God. The experience of the human, understood in a universal sense, is the basis for understanding the relationship between a person and an acting. This principle completely conditioned Karol Wojtyła's personalistic thought beyond philosophical questions, in the field of morality and even dogmatics. The man is a person because he acts. These express him and fully reveal him as such. This anthropological concept becomes an ontological guide for understanding the man, which Wojtyła connects with the concept of the integrity of the human person, which he, in turn, connects with the concept of human transcendence. What a person experiences outside himself, no matter how «external» it is, still represents our own interior which the inner self becomes aware of. Therefore, ontology and phenomenology are two Wojtyła's anthropological keys to understanding the man, and thus through the structural connection of «being» and «phenomenon» we arrive to the transcendental, metaphysical dimension of the man.

Key words: personalism; person; rank; ontology; phenomenology; being; experience

About the author

ANTE AKRAP (b. 1968, Bisko/Trilj). He completed elementary school in his native Bisko (1974-1978) and Dicmo (1978-1982), and classical grammar school in Sinj (1982-1986). He studied philosophy and theology at the Franciscan Higher Theological Seminary in Makarska (1987 - 1992) and his final year at the Catholic Theological Faculty in Zagreb (1992-1993). He completed his master's degree and then his doctorate studies in Rome at the Antonianum Pontifical University, where in 1999 he defended his doctoral thesis L incontro, la scoperta dell'essere in Martin Buber / The encounter, the discovery of the essence in Martin Buber. From 1999 to 2011, he taught Philosophy and Logic at the Franciscan Classical Grammar School in Sinj. He has been teaching as an external teacher at the Catholic Faculty of Theology in Split since October 2008. In 2011 he was elected to the position of an associate and senior assistant, and from November 2016 to the scientific and teaching position of assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy. He is currently vice-dean for education at the Catholic Theology Faculty in Split.